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Tilghman Smith

Jonathan Reyes

Victor Howard

Eric Breeden
Our Latest Articles
Ncep GFS model – the new superior weather source addition to SpotAssist
Problem SpotAssist gained global popularity but some users complain that they don’t have any usable weather station nearby. The reason […]
SpotAssist Big Picture won a STAR Award at PIA Symposium 2019
For the first time, USPA and Sigma hosted the STAR Awards at the Parachute Industry Association Symposium in Dallas, Texas. […]
Land me upwind if you can.
Spot Assist is used by hundreds of skydivers every day. It can help to visualize landing pattern in current wind conditions. It allows to manually set landing direction, and some jumpers just play with this feature. What happens next is a question: why Spot Assist doesn't set the pattern directly upwind?
Post Cutaway – dude, where is my main?
How to find equipment after you cut it away to save your life? Cutaway can be stressful or easy by the book. It can even be fun for some jumpers, who have them often . But one thing for everybody remains the same: you have to find the main canopy and a freebag.
Skydiving Forecast Evolution
There are big names, like weather.com, accuweather.com etc. They will show you a lot of information: humidity, sunset/sunrise, Temperature RealFeel etc. But what skydiver really wants to know is a combination of very few parameters: wind speed with gusts, wind direction, temperature, and clouds coverage.
What is Spot Assist
“Oh-oh, I am not going to make it back!” That is what i was thinking, hanging under canopy over the […]
Flying formula
Spot Assist is a mobile application to visualize different aspects of canopy flying: canopy range and pattern. This is how […]
More skydiving data worldwide
The recent release of Spot Assist brought some interesting points. First, what weather station to use. There is the geographically […]
Skydiving weather. Wind Aloft
I wonder how many people skydive without looking at the weather. Not the weather you see outside the open door […]

Skydive With Confidence